Writing a Research Paper

Writing Resources

Are you struggling to remember when to use a semi-colon instead of a comma?  Does something about the sentence you wrote look wrong, but you can't figure out why?  Never fear, these books are full of quick writing tips and reminders that will help make your paper stand out.

It's Time to Write!

Now that you have your thesis and your research sorted out, you are ready to write. In this section, we have collected resources about the process of writing and revising your paper. Ask a classmate or teacher to proofread your paper, too.

A+ Research and Writing: Step by Step

In step 6 of the A+ guide by the Internet Public Library, you will find help with writing your first draft. Remember, revision is essential to creating an excellent paper.

Purdue OWL: Writing Resources

This resource list from the Purdue OWL is an excellent place to find various pages in one place regarding the writing process. Even if you are stuck, there are tips for overcoming Writer's Block to help you out.


When you have been working on a paper for hours, it can be easy to make simple mistakes.  Checking your paper for errors, and having someone else read over your paper, can prevent you from having costly points deducted come grading time.  Here are some helpful resources. 

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