Downloadable Digital Resources

Let's get digitial with e-books, audiobooks, music, e-magazines and videos

Digital Content

eBooks- Boundless, Cloud Library, Freading, hoopla, Libby, Overdrive, ePULP,

Audiobooks - Boundless, Cloud Library, Freegal, hoopla, Libby, Overdrive

Movies - hoopla, Overdrive, Kanopy

Music- Freegal, hoopla, Libby

eMagazines- Libby, PressReader

Newspapers - PressReader

AXIS 360 news

On September 30th, Baker & Taylor will be transitioning us from their Axis 360 e-book platform to their new Boundless platform. The basics will remain the same but will offer additional features and a more modern experience.

Important information about this change –

  1. The Axis 360 app is being retired. Users will need to download and install the Boundless app. When the transition finishes on September 30th, users will only be able to access the library’s collection through the Boundless app.
  2. Axis 360 app users will receive in-app notifications of the change. Once the transition is complete, users will see an in-app overlay screen prompting them to download the new Boundless app from the App Store.
  3. The Boundless app is supported in iOS 13 and above, and Android 9 and above. Users with earlier OS versions will need to upgrade their operating system to a supported version.
  4. Web users will also get notifications about the move to Boundless with website popups. Once the transition is complete, users will be automatically rerouted to the Boundless library site.
  5. Existing URLs will automatically redirect to the Boundless site. Work will be done to update URLs from to
  6. All user info and history, including holds position, will be seamlessly transitioned into the new Boundless platform. This will include any bookmarks, notes, and other saved data.

Boundless Setup

The app is available for AndroidiOS devices. Windows PCs read eBooks using Boundless Read Now or Listen Now; Macs read in Adobe Digital Editions.

Boundless on a computer

Log in to the library’s Boundless website.

Click the Login link and enter your Library card and PIN.  

If you’re a new user, you’ll be prompted to create an account for the Boundless website. Record your login info. 

Click on the Check Out button next to the item you wish to check out. Select Read Now or Listen Now. 

Note: Macs read in Adobe Digital Editions

Boundless Checkouts

  • 20 checkouts/month
  • 10 item holds list
  • 1 renewal/item  

Flexible checkout periods –7 – 14 –21 days. Early returns available. 

To place holds you must have a username and email address entered on your “My Account” page. 

Boundless on a Mobile Device

Get the app from the app store iOS | Android 

Log in to the mobile app, search for and locate your library, then enter your Library card and PIN and tap Log In. If your a new user, you’ll be prompted to create an account for the Boundless mobile app.  

To check out content, find the title you wish to check out and then tap the Check Out button. Your title will immediately begin to download and will open automatically inside the Boundless app.

Boundless Help Guide

Boundless Features

Fiction and nonfiction titles for adults, children, and teens.  

Browse by Subject/sub categories 

Simple Search – Keyword, Title, or Author.   

Limit by Available Now and Boundless eBooks.  Wish List available.