Visit Florida's Office of Early Learning to view Florida's Early Learning and Developmental Standards (Birth to Five). The Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards for Four-year-Olds gives specific examples of the skills that children should demonstrate.
CDC Developmental Milestones - The CDC provides milestones in playing, learning, speaking, acting and moving for children 2 months to 5 years old.
OCPS Developmental Skills and Activities Checklist - Orange County Public Schools provides checklists of skills that depict what we expect most children to develop during a specific range. Please remember that children develop at different rates and this is only a guide to help you determine what skills are appropriate to work on with your child.
Developmental Skills and Activities 2 to 3 Years
Developmental Skills and Activities 3 to 4 Years
Developmental Skills and Activities 4 to 5 Years
Yes, voluntary pre-kindergarten (VPK) is designed to prepare four-year-olds for kindergarten and build the foundation for their educational success. The program allows a parent to enroll his or her eligible child (four years old by September 1 and residing in Florida) in a free VPK program either through a school or private provider.
The program is voluntary for children and providers. Visit the Office of Early Learning to learn more about this program.
The Early Learning Coalition of Orange County also has more information about Orange County VPK and other early childhood resources and programs.
Enroll your child in school as early as possible by completing the registration packet and address verification information on the Orange County Public Schools' website.
Find school assignments for addresses in Orange County in the school directory.
Visit Orange County Public School's School Choices to find out about other options.
Browse our Homeschool Resources LibGuide to discover how the library can support your home education program.
If you have other questions, you can also find more information by visiting the Orange County Public Schools' website or calling the library at 407.835.7323.