The Florida Collection is a set of materials which are Florida-centric, with special emphasis on the history and people of Central Florida. In this special collection you can find information on any number of topics including: crime in Florida, Florida history, statistical data, government documents, and fiction set in Florida. This constantly growing collection houses some rare, out-of-print, literary gems that can be used within the library.
The Florida Fiction portion of the Florida Collection, features books about Florida, by authors from Florida or who lived in Florida. Many of these items are out of print, but not out of copyright and are hard to find.
There are a great many non-fiction titles in the Florida Collection. We are highlighting some of the more interesting, unique titles in this section as an example of the breadth of information available in this special collection.
The Florida Collection houses a small number of Orange County Government and Florida Government Documents including:
Journals of the Florida House of Representatives 2014-2018
Journals of the Florida Senate 2014-2019
Orlando Naval Training Center Risk Assessment Study
Orlando Naval Training Center Developmental Plan
Orlando Gasification Plant