The materials which make up the Disney collection range from books about the Disney parks, picture books of Disney Art,songbooks and a large holding of printed ephemera provided by the archivist at Disney. In this collection you can find books with artwork, recipes from the parks, and a few older items which are no longer in print. We also have several drawers of information, press clippings, and internal Disney newsletters for anyone wanting to do in depth research into Disney.
A sample of the books in the Disney Collection:
The Disney Vertical files contain unbound items sent to us by the archivist for the Walt Disney Company. Below is a sample of the items you can find in this extensive collection:
WDW Clippings 1971-2015
These clippings make up the bulk of the Disney Collection and include articles published by major news sources, internal Disney documents, and various other Ephemera about the parks.
WDW Eyes & Ears 1973-2015
Eyes and Ears is the internal newsletter for Walt Disney World's cast members (a.ka. employees).
Disney News 1973-1900
The Magic Kingdom Club members magazine .
Disneyland Line 1971-2015
Disneyland cast member newsletter has content similar to Eyes & Ears about the west coast parks.