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OCLS Staff Training Site: Colleen's Corner

A Pep Talk from Kid President

The Danger of a Single Story

In this TED Talk, Nigerian author Chimamanda Adichie talks of the dangers of a single story; holding a one-dimentional view of the reality if a person, place or situation leads to ignorance - the truth is revealed by many tales and many sides.

"The consequence of a single story is that it robs people of dignity, makes recognition of equal humanity difficult, and emphasizes how we are different, rather than how we are similar."

The Science of Procrastination - And How To Manage It

The Science of Productivity

Talk Like Ted

"Many people have a fear of public speaking or they’re insecure about their ability to give a TED-worthy presentation. Talk Like TED will give you the tools to create presentations around the ideas that matter most to you, the skill to win over hearts and minds, and the confidence to deliver the talk of your life. You have ideas that were meant to be heard. Use your voice to inspire any audience and achieve your most audacious goals."

Eat That Frog

Don't you hate time management books that take you three weeks to read?

Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose of reading up on time management tips?

Well have no fear, I have the book for you!

Brian Tracy's Eat That Frog! offers readers tips to make the most of their time, maximize productivity and organize your life in a fun, fast-reading format.

Rooted in the theory put best by Mark Twain:

“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day”

Eat That Frog! can help the worst of procrastinators GET STUFF DONE!

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