OCLS Resource Guides

The librarians of Orange County are here to help. These guides cover a variety of topics for your information and cultural interests. Each guide comes equipped with pathways to excellent resources from OCLS and others. Just click to get started!

Showing 15 Subjects

Subject Homepage: Arts
Subject Homepage: Florida
Subject Homepage: Genealogy
Subject Homepage: House & Home

Featured Resource Guides

Featured Databases

LearningExpress Library

Whatever your goal, LearningExpressLibrary online database will help you succeed. Each Learning Center offers practice tests, exercises, skill-building courses, eBooks, and information you need to achieve the results you want—at school, at work, or in life.  Looking to land a job? You'll find an entire Learning Center dedicated to helping you get the one that's right for you.  Prepare, take and score practice exams and keep track of your progress. LearningExpressLibrary offers a variety of tests, including GED preparation and college entrance exam practice.  Practice for the U.S. Citizenship test is offered in English and Spanish. General reading, writing, math and GED preparation are available in Spanish.  This database can also be used to practice business writing (writing clear and concise emails, memos, reports, business letters, etc.), resume writing, interviewing for jobs, do job searching, learn the fundamentals of writing, and study for the TOEFL exam.

Note for first time users: If you are using LearningExpressLibrary for the first time, select the “New Users Register” link to create your free account. This allows LearningExpressLibrary to keep track of your progress, and lets you leave in the middle of a test or exercise and come back later.

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